The internet has changed everything. People complain about facebook and myspace because they violate privacy. I don't use MySpace, and last time I checked, theres no law that says it must be used. The same applies for Facebook. Also, as far as I know, Facebook has made it possible to completely remove yourself from its server, although the process could still be easier. But for most people, the amount about them on the internet is completely up to them. You wouldn't just leave your personal diary on a park bench would you? If you want something to be completely personal, DON'T POST IT ON THE INTERNET ANYWHERE.
The people I do feel bad for, are celebrities or anyone who has ever been in the spotlight. Mark Cuban wrote about this in his blog. I have a friend who was on American Idol last year and compromising pictures from high school surfaced on the internet. Surely, this would not have happened had she not ended up in the spot light. Ten or fifteen years from now she could have a child who googles her name and sees these pictures. As Mark Cuban said, it is impossible to completely bury anything in your past with the internet.
Mark Cuban is right. Once something is posted online, there is no way to take it down. In another class, we read an article about how a lady didn't get a job with a firm that was setting up a branch in China because on page 9 of a Google search, Human Resources found an article about a protest she helped lead in college 10 years earlier against the Chinese's governments treatment of labor workers.
I don't feel bad at all! I think people who aspire to ever be in the spotlight should take the necessary precautions.
Why should we feel bad for them being stupid enough to post those things?
I might post ridiculous comments now and then for facebook/myspace/blog etc. but not naked photos. There comes some type of self dignity. Don't put yourself in that position! If you are that uncomfortable then its time to rethink your actions.
Same goes for strong political statements/stance/religious view and the list goes on.
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