Open Source news is an interesting subject. Theoretically, the more people that contribute to a story, the more informative it would be right? We'll see.....Wired News is attempting this. I think this idea is a good one, however it requires A LOT of filtering. To the point that it might be too much. Everyone has an opinion, or what they believe to be the truth. Everyone's motivations for contributing are different, some of which are not based on good journalism. I don't believe open source is a good idea for something like news. It has had success with tech projects because often the only people interested are those that are truly interested or want to help.
picture taken from: www.opensource.org/.../opensource-400x345.png
It's just too much like wikipedia. We aren't able to use that as a source.. why should we start filling our minds with other peoples views of the world and taking it for truth now?
Just read the paper.
Writing an article in a news paper requires hours and hours of research.
as a result, the article becomes credible, fair and balanced. (or at least it should be) If we begin letting anyone contribute, the credibility of the article significantly goes down. Ashley is right...it will become essentially wikipedia
i mean i thought wikipedia as well once i read this, but wikipedia isn't really all that bad and the information on wikipedia pages are usually accurate because the people who care about the topic are the ones that post on it/ monitor it.. some websites are doing something similar to this now where they will post news article and allow readers to leave their reaction/thoughts.. as long as the news is accurate i dont see a problem
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