March favorite time of year. Ever filled out a bracket? I do every year. I used to fill them out on a sheet of paper and give them to my friend who was running the competition. When is the last time you've seen someone's bracket on hard paper? I don;t think I have seen one. These are done online these days. The games are watched online now too.
In this article, it is mentioned how people are watching the games online and trash talking to each other with web cams over the internet. Now peopel are using PDA's to track the status of their brackets and pools as well. The internet is changing how we watch these games. How do you follow march madness??
I have never filled out a bracket since I just started following College basketball recently. I can relate what your talking about to soccer in Mexico. Eventhough Mexico is some what behind the United States in communication and infrastructure, there are still millions of people using the internet to actively track the games, scores, players, etc. They even came up with a Mexican 1st Division FantasY Soccer League. I find it really interesting how people in a dveloping country find the access to these types of services.
I actually filled one out online and watched the games online too.
Great when your in the office.
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