GPS technology on our mobile phones is becoming more prevelant and cheaper to produce. At first glance, this seems like great news. Who doesn't want to be able to see where they are?
However, this technology can bring dangerous consequences. This article in BBC news talks specifically about Targeting advertising. Basically, advertisers can potentially have access to where you are and create ads based on this. The scary part is this could be used in combination with social networking sites. I don't know about you, but I don't trust advertising agencies. Someone is going to cross the line and there will most likely be a huge backlash. People have already been revolting against MySpace and Facebook for this reason, and it's only going to get worse. Combine that with knowing your exact location? I just don't think people are going to be comfortable with that.
It sounds kind of weird for advertising agencies to know where you are. But to play devil's advocate, it could limit the amount of useless and non relevant advertisements you see. I don't want to see products for senior citizens, but rather advertisements that are targeted to me. Yes, it does pose a privacy issue, but it also does add convenience.
I don't know. It sounds like smart advertising to me. It seems like the advertisements would apply more to the individual. And a GPS on the phone is a great idea and it's cheaper than buying the GPS system for the car. It's also a lot easier than going to mapquest.
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