After reading an article about this issue, I have to say I disagree with the author. I believe that overall, the internet serves to inform us, and therefore allows us to make better informed decisions. This way, people aren't basing their opinions from their parents or certain traditional mediums, such as the newspaper or cnn. This may end up contributing to a nation already polarizing itself, but it certainly is not the cause, or root problem.
I think the reason our country has been so divided for the last number of years has been because of political reasons and the decisions our leaders have made, not the internet. Yes, the internet is a medium for political opinion, however I believe the this country would be just as divided with or without the internet.
I actually disagree. Because of the ability to interact and mobilize on the internet, people with the same ideas are getting together. That 1 fringe leftist in your class who usually keeps quiet because of their views now has thousands of friends they can talk to via online through websites/blogs.
I definitely believe that ability to interact easier with like-minded individuals on-line is a huge contributor to the polarizing of our political arena.
Think about Reagan and Iran Contra....huge scandal but his approval rating stayed high...that could never happen in today's world where the internet plays such a large role to distribute information that "the Mainstream Media" doesn't feel that is necessary to report.
I also have to disagree because yes the internet provides everyone with information from both sides; however, who is really seeking the ideas of people from the opposing side. Like Jaz said people are able to link up online with those that have similar views and voice their approval/disapproval with greater ease and regularity.
I think they are both wrong. People dislike people. It has been going on for years. I think it's just coming to our attention now bc 1) we are getting older and into adult convos and 2) the internet allows us to actually see people disagreeing more.
I just think because its in our face more doesn't mean we are polarizing more or splitting the country more. The civil war was a split country.. this isn't. This presidential race is a historical event.. if anything.
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